Automatic lifting of the client's card in the integration modules with virtual PBXs for configurations of the BAS line and configurations on conventional forms (UTP, UVP, UT 2.3), using the http service
Automatically open a customer card with an incoming call (before picking up the phone);
Download real-time calls at the end of a call on a virtual АТС;
- Synchronized opening of the Event document for one employee and closing of the document for another employee when transferring a call.
Key steps for organizing this process.
- An HTTP service is added to the BAS configuration.
- Installing a web server.
- WinSocket or WebSocket services configured.
- The HTTP service is published on the web server and its address is transmitted in support of the virtual ATC.
- Our DLL component is installed to organize the interaction between the "Server BAS" on the "Client "BAS".
How does the virtual ATC and the accounting database interact BAS:
- An incoming phone call arrives at the virtual ATC.
- A virtual ATC notifies our HTTP service, which is located on the "Server "BAS"" side.
- Our DLL component transfers the information about the incoming call received from the virtual ATC to a specific client workstation BAS (the component transfers information from the "Server BAS" to the "Client BAS", where the corresponding internal phone number of the user).
- On the "Client BAS", a specific user, the procedure for automatically opening the client card or the document "Phone call" is triggered (depending on the user's settings).
Another variant of the description of "How it works":
The Webhook received from the Cloud Telephony Server by the BAS server via an HTTP service is sent (the body of the HTTP request) to the WinSocket server service (or WebSocket), which sends this message to all BAS clients connected to it, which connected using an external component. The result of processing this message may be, for example, opening/closing a call document form.
Schematic representation of the organization of interactions of the virtual ATC and the accounting base "BAS":
Why is it necessary to use an external component to solve this problem
Since on the server side BAS we cannot control processes on the client side (for example: open the document form with an arbitrary active user BAS) our DLL component is used for these purposes.
DLL component consists of:
- the server part, the diagram shows how the "Server Service WinSocket" (".dll", is installed and registered on the server by the administrator);
- the client part, installed in the form of a layout in the configuration BAS, is shown on the diagram as the "External component" in the block BAS.
To publish the HTTP service, the Apache or IIS Web server is used.
Duration of organization of automatic raising of a customer card: 1 week.
Platform requirement - not less than
Solution cost: from 8000 UAH.
For configurations "BAS" on managed forms using WebSocket service, the cost of the solution is 10000 UAH.
Integration with Binotel, SMS sending, automatic generation of requests from the website, statuses in repair requests and work orders.
Integration of "Binotel" telephony with "Alfa-Auto, edition 5" and other tasks on the service station network in Dnepr.
The customer has 4 service stations operating in a single "Alfa-Auto database, edition 5".
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