Business process "Cyclic formation of the document "Buyer's Order"

Business process "Cyclic formation of the document "Buyer's Order"

UAH 4 000 and more
Бизнес-процесс "Циклическое формирование документа "Заказ покупателя"
Business process "Cyclic formation of customer orders"

The business process organizes control on the formation of customer orders according to the established cycle for the counterparty. Examples of cycles: every month / week, every Thursday, every two weeks on Monday, every month, etc.

Business processes are automatically formed according to the established cyclicality for the counterparty or the counterpart's outlet, immediately starting and the process starts to run according to a predetermined pattern - the counterparty’s debt is checked, if there is no debt, the assigned order task is assigned to the assigned manager, the solution of which is assigned to amount of time. The manager will not miss this task, or she will be in overdue tasks, and his manager will be able to control it.

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If you need to control the billing of customers according to periodic individual schedules for customers.

Screenshots based on the configuration of CRM 1.4 from Rarus will be shown below. As an example, a similar process can be organized in any configurations where there is the concept of an account or a customer’s order.

More in screenshots

Below is a CRM desktop with data on active business processes. Business processes are created automatically according to a given cyclicity for each counterparty. To the right of the list of processes, there is a list of pre-configured selections for the convenience of prompt selection of necessary processes, for example: “Ongoing”, by type of business process, by department, etc..

Fig. 1. Workplace CPM, tab "Business processes", automatically generated processes "Cyclic formation of customer orders".

Fig. 2. The dialogue form of the business process “Cyclic formation of orders” in the background, the list of tasks of the business process in the foreground, to the right is a diagram of the business process.

Fig. 3. Workplace CPM. All tasks of the company.

Fig. 4. Report "Task Analysis". In this setting, we see current, active tasks grouped by process steps, responsible, contractors, and tasks.

Creating a business process for the cyclic formation of orders.

Fig. 5. Reference "cyclical formation of orders", to form a business process.

The frequency of the cycle can be set in the number of days and on a certain day of the week (Fig. 6).

Fig.6. The method of forming a cyclic order.

Cycle indicators are tied to the directory "Contractors" or other data that are associated with the counterparty.

Fig.7. Filling in the data on the counterparty in the directory "Outlets" with the period for the formation of the cyclic order.

After setting the period, the business process is formed cyclically.

Fig.8. Business process "Cyclic formation of Orders to the buyer".

Fig.9. Formation of a task with the task of creating a "Buyer's Order".
At the bottom of the form, enter the document "Customer order".

Fig.10. Document "Buyer's Order", on the example of which, according to the business process, orders will be formed.

Fig.11. Completing the installation task of the formation of the document "Buyer Order.


For tasks to be performed by users, it is necessary to introduce a system of penalties for overdue tasks.

If there is a need to automate any business process.

Our company can automate any process that is logic. We only need to understand the essence of the process. The example above shows the automation of one of the installation control processes for document generation.

Cost of solution: 4000 UAH

Developer: NCT Company


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