Formation of the price in an Excel file format with pictures and formatting

Formation of the price in an Excel file format with pictures and formatting

UAH 6 000 and more
Формирование прайса в формате файла «Excel» с картинками и форматированием
The processing is designed to create in "1С:Підприємство" a multi-page EXCEL file with pictures, different types of prices and other additional conditions that restrict the display of information.

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Each product group is placed on its sheet.
The first sheet contains hyperlinks to the sheets corresponding to the names of the product groups.

Настройка параметров вывода информации в прайс-лист

Figure 1. On the first page, we set up the parameters of what we need, and that we do not need to display in the price where the file will be saved, and other subtleties.


На странице «Группы товаров» выбираем какие группы товаров должны попасть в прайс. Каждая из них будет сформирована на отдельной странице.

Fig.2. On the "Product groups" page, choose which groups of goods should be included in the price. Each of them will be formed on a separate page.

На странице «Склады» указываем склады, остатки по которым попадут в прайс.

Fig.3. On the page "Warehouses" we indicate the warehouses, the remainders of which will fall into the price.

На закладке «Типы цен» выбираем те типы цен, которые должны попасть в прайс.

Fig.4. On the "Types of prices" tab we select the types of prices that should be included in the price.

Первая страница сформированного прайс-листа

Fig.5.The first page of the formed price-list.

Страница с товарами в сформированном прайс-листе.

Fig.6. Page with the goods in the formed price-list.

Cost of work: from 6000 UAH  (taking into account integration costs in the configuration of the customer).

Developer: NCT


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