Configuration "Managing a trading enterprise for Ukraine" - a comprehensive solution that allows you to automate management and accounting tasks at enterprises that carry out any type of commercial activity.
- Managing trading
- Inventory accounting
- Accounting for Banking and Cash Operations
- Managing mutual settlements
- Accounting for non-current assets
- Human Resource Management and Payroll
- Accounting for production
- Accounting
- Tax Accounting
- Formation of regulated reporting
- Service capabilities
The configuration allows to automate the tasks of operational, managerial, accounting and tax accounting, personnel accounting and payroll calculation, analysis and planning of trade operations, preparation of mandatory (regulated) reporting, thereby ensuring the effective management of a modern trading enterprise.
Description of the basic configuration options
Managing trading activities
Sales Management
In the activity of a trading enterprise, an important aspect is the management of customer orders and product sales: planning and analysis of actual indicators in various analytical sections.
"Management of a trading enterprise for Ukraine" provides end-to-end automation of the process of sales of goods at the enterprise, in wholesale and retail trade. The subsystem includes the means of planning and controlling sales, allows you to solve the tasks of managing customer orders. Various schemes for the sale of products and goods are supported - from the warehouse and on order, on credit or on prepayment, on the sale of goods accepted for commission, on the sale to a commission agent, etc.
Sales planning
The subsystem is intended for planning:
- sales volumes in physical and value terms, including on the basis of sales data for previous periods, information about current warehouse balances and customer orders received during the planned period;
- selling prices, including on the basis of information about the current prices of the company and competitors;
- the cost of sales, taking into account information about the prices of suppliers.
Sales planning can be carried out both for the enterprise as a whole, and for units or groups of units, for individual goods and product groups, for certain categories of buyers (by region, by type of activity, etc.). The subsystem provides consolidation of separate plans in the summary plan of sales of the enterprise.
To monitor the implementation of the developed plans, the system provides developed tools for comparative analysis of data on planned and actual sales.
Planning can be carried out with a time detail from one day to a year, which allows:
- move from strategic plans to operational ones, while maintaining information on the indicators set at each planning stage;
- conduct planning, both with and without seasonal demand fluctuations.
Customer order management
The functionality of order management , implemented in the "Management of a trading enterprise for Ukraine", allows you to place orders of buyers in the optimal way in accordance with the strategy of executing orders at the enterprise and working schemes (work from a warehouse, on order).
All stages of the passage of the order and its corrections are recorded in the system with the relevant documents. A manager can, at any time:
- get full information about the progress of the order;
- track the history of relationships with customers and suppliers;
- evaluate the effectiveness and reliability of work with counterparties.
With the help of analytical reports built into the program, the manager can receive information about the payment of orders of buyers , the placement of orders in production and the progress of their implementation, the distribution of orders to suppliers to ensure the order of buyers.
The subsystem of pricing allows to determine and implement the company's pricing policy in accordance with the available analytical data on the demand and supply in the market.
Basic functionality of the subsystem:
- construction of various schemes for pricing and discounts;
- control of compliance by employees of the established pricing policy;
- storing information about the prices of competitors;
- storage of information about the prices of suppliers, automatic updating of purchase prices;
- comparison of the company's selling prices with the prices of suppliers and competitors.
Procurement management
Subsystem allows you to make timely decisions about replenishment of stocks, and optimizes the processes of interaction with suppliers . Among the features that the subsystem provides:
- operative planning of purchases on the basis of sales plans and unexecuted orders of buyers;
- making orders to suppliers and monitoring their execution;
- registration and analysis of the implementation of additional conditions under contracts with fixed nomenclature items, quantities and delivery dates ;
- support for various schemes for receiving goods from suppliers, including the acceptance for the sale and receipt of customer-provided raw materials and materials;
- registration of non-invoiced deliveries using warehouse orders;
- analysis of warehouse needs in goods;
- end-to-end analysis and the establishment of relationships between customer orders and supplier orders;
- analysis of the consequences that suppliers fail to fulfill their orders (which order can be disrupted by short delivery of goods or materials) ;
- procurement planning, taking into account the predicted level of inventory and reserved goods in warehouses;
- scheduling of deliveries and payment schedules.
Retail management and connection of commercial equipment
For retailers with their own stores and retail outlets, the configuration includes retail management capabilities. Retail trade can be carried out from any of the warehouses - a wholesale, retail or non-automated outlet. Accounting for goods in non-automated sales outlets can be conducted at fixed retail prices, or without taking into account the number and nomenclature ("summation accounting"). Accounting for goods in retail warehouses is conducted in sales prices.
The opportunity of connection of the trading equipment is realized: scanners, data collection terminals, consumer displays, electronic scales, CCM in the modes "fiscal registrar", "off-line" and "on-line". The system allows you to estimate the value of stocks in retail prices, compare the volume and profitability of sales in various stores (outlets), to monitor the correct receipt of revenue from stores and outlets.
Customer Relationship Management
Trade enterprises need a flexible system of customer relationship management that allows you to store and analyze various information about the client, track all stages of the relationship with the client, analyze the profitability and profitability for each customer, region, market and group of goods.
Functionality of the subsystem allows you to manage relationships with customers, suppliers, subcontractors and any other contractors.
Subsystem "Management of relations with buyers and suppliers" allows the enterprise:
- to maintain the storage of full contact information for counterparties and their employees, as well as storing the history of interaction with them;
- registration of information about suppliers: the conditions for the delivery of goods, reliability, delivery times, nomenclature and prices of goods and supplies supplied;
- automatically notify users about upcoming contacts with counterparts, remind about birthdays of contact persons;
- plan your working hours and control the work plans of your subordinates ;
- analyze unfinished and plan future transactions with buyers and potential customers;
- use a personalized approach to the needs and requirements of each customer;
- register each appeal of a potential buyer and further analyze the percentage of attracting customers;
- quickly monitor the status of planned contacts and transactions;
- conduct an integrated ABC (XYZ) analysis of customer relationships;
- analyze the reasons for the disruption of orders for customers and the volume of closed orders ;
- analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of advertising and marketing actions based on the results of customer requests.
Buyer Segmentation using the integrated ABC (XYZ) analysis allows customers to be automatically split:
- on classes depending on the client's share in the revenue or company's profit: important (A-class), medium importance (B-class), low importance (C-class);
- status: potential, one-time, permanent, lost;
- Regularity of purchases: stable (X-class), irregular (Y-class), episodic (Z-class).
The results of such analysis help optimally distribute efforts and organize the work of employees responsible for sales and customer service.
Inventory control
Using the warehouse management subsystem (stocks) allows you to effectively organize a warehouse economy.
The system includes detailed operational accounting of materials, products and goods in warehouses, and provides full control over the reserves at the enterprise. All warehouse operations are recorded using the relevant documents.The subsystem allows:
- manage residuals of inventories in different units on a variety of warehouses;
- maintain separate accounting of own goods, goods accepted and transferred for sale, returnable packaging ;
- control and account for series and expiration dates;
- specify arbitrary characteristics of the batch (color, size, etc.) and conduct partion accounting in the context of warehouses;
- manage and dismantle nomenclature positions;
- carry out the functions of order accounting and reservation of goods and materials.
Inventory status information is available in any analytical sections with high detail to the level of product characteristics (color, size, dimensions, etc.). It is possible to obtain valuations of warehouse stocks at cost and potential sales volume at selling prices.
The means of statistical control of reserves allow you to evaluate the "attractiveness" of each product by its share in turnover or company profit (ABC analysis), stability of sales (XYZ-analysis), identify poorly sold products by such criteria as average shelf life, expenditure per period and turnover ratio.
Accounting for Banking and Cash Operations
The cash management subsystem performs the following functions, which are necessary for effective management of cash flow in the enterprise, control over payments in progress:
- multicurrency accounting of movement and cash balances;
- registration of planned receipts and expenditures of funds;
- reservation of funds for future payments on settlement accounts and at the box office;
- placement of funds in the expected incoming payments;
- creating a payment calendar;
- registration of all necessary primary documents;
- the possibility of separation (manual or automatic) of the amount of the payment document under several contracts and transactions.
Mutual settlement management
Using subsystem allows you to analyze the change in debt over time and operates with two types of debt - actual and projected (deferred). Actual debt is related to settlement transactions and the timing of the transfer of ownership. Deferred debts arise when the system reflects events such as an order for the supply or transfer of goods to a commission, an application for cash and other similar.
The main purpose of the subsystem of mutual settlements:
- fixing the appearance of the counterparty's debt to the company and the company before the counterparty;
- support for various methods of debt accounting (under contracts, accounts / orders, settlement documents);
- analysis of the current state of the debt and the history of its change.
Accounting for non-current assets
Accounting for fixed assets, intangible and low-value assets in regulated accounting is conducted in accordance with P (C) BU 7 "Fixed Assets", P (C) BU 8 "Intangible Assets", P (C) BU 9 "Stocks". The configuration "Management of a trading enterprise for Ukraine" allows you to keep a record of non-negotiable assets also in management accounting (in general for the enterprise).
For fixed assets and intangible assets, such basic operations as: receipt, acceptance for accounting, accrual of depreciation, modernization, transfer, write-off, inventory are automated. For fixed assets used seasonally, depreciation schedules.
For low-value assets, the operations of commissioning and decommissioning.
A wide range of methods for calculating depreciation is supported:
- rectilinear method;
- production (in proportion to the output volume);
- reducing the balance and accelerating the reduction of the balance;
cumulative; - on an individual depreciation schedule;
- according to the norms of tax legislation.
Personnel management and payroll
The subsystem is intended for informational support of the company's personnel policy and automation of settlements with personnel. Among the subsystem's capabilities:
- personnel accounting;
- maintaining a regulated workflow;
- calculation of employees' wages ;
- automatic calculation of statutory deductions and taxes;
- automatic calculation of contributions to compulsory pension and social insurance.
"Management of a trading enterprise for Ukraine" allows you to automate almost the entire complex of settlements with personnel, starting from entering documents about actually worked time, payment of sick leaves and leaves, up to the formation of documents for payment of wages and regulated reporting.
The subsystem allows you to maintain a regulated workflow in accordance with applicable regulatory documents:
- signing and conducting employment contracts with each employee of the organization;
- the formation of approved forms by work;
- military records keeping.
Accounting of production
In the configuration, the calculation of the cost of products and services produced by the main and auxiliary production, accounting for the processing of customer-made raw materials is automated. Within a month, the finished goods are recorded at the planned cost price. At the end of the month, the actual cost of goods produced and services provided are calculated.
For complex technological processes involving intermediate stages with the production of semi-finished products, warehouse accounting of semi-finished products is supported and automatic calculation of their cost.
For general production costs, the possibility of their distribution according to the indicators of normal capacity is realized, in accordance with P (C) BU 16 "Costs".
When you write off indirect costs, you can apply different methods of distribution by product groups (services). For indirect costs, the following distribution bases are possible:
- volume of release;
- planned cost price;
- pay;
- material costs.
"Management of a trading enterprise for Ukraine" provides the solution of all tasks facing the accounting service of the enterprise.
The composition of the configuration includes chart of accounts, corresponding to the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine "On Approval of the Chart of Accounts and Instructions for its use" dated November 30, 1999. No. 291. The composition of accounts, the organization of analytical, currency, quantitative accounting in the accounts comply with the requirements of the legislation on accounting and reporting of data in the accounts. If necessary, users can create additional subaccounts and analytical analysis sections themselves.
Tax accounting
In the "Management of a trading enterprise for Ukraine" various taxation schemes are supported:
- general taxation system (for payers of profit tax and value added tax);
- simplified taxation system:
- single tax and value added tax ;
- single tax without value-added tax;
- single tax for business entities - individuals.
Tax accounting for income tax
To maintain tax accounting (for income tax), there is a special (tax) chart of accounts. The tax chart of accounts, implemented in the configuration, its composition and requisites are part of the proposed methodology for tax accounting, that is, it is predefined.
Tax accounting in the configuration is conducted in the context of types of tax activity. Such approach allows to take into account gross incomes and expenses, stocks, fixed assets, etc. separately for activities that require separate accounting in terms of income tax.
According to the tax accounting data, a tax return for income tax is automatically formed.
VAT accounting
"Management of a trading enterprise for Ukraine" allows you to create and register all necessary tax documents: tax invoices, attachments to them.
To control the correctness of the tax credit shown upon admission, parallel accounting, tax accounting of inventories.
Tax accounting (VAT and income tax) in the configuration can be conducted by two methods:
- during the reporting period (month) is conducted as "on shipment". At the end of the period, the regulatory document allows you to determine the amount of tax liabilities and tax credit in accordance with the required method (for the first of the events, for payment, for shipment) ;
- tax liabilities and credit are calculated and fixed in the system when conducting primary documents in accordance with the required method (for the first of the events, for payment, for shipment).
Simplified taxation system
The configuration allows you to register business transactions relating to the accounting for a simplified taxation system, in the book of income and expense accounting for a single tax.
The book of accounting of incomes and expenses is formed automatically for both legal entities and individuals - business entities.
Formation of the regulated reporting
The "Management of a trading enterprise for Ukraine" includes mandatory (regulated) reports intended to be submitted to the owners of the organization and to state regulatory bodies, including forms of financial statements, tax returns, reports for statistical bodies and public funds.
The regulated reporting filed with the tax authorities can be automatically exported to the format approved by the STAU order (in files with the XML extension). The so-called "schemas" (files with the extension * .xsd), which generate XML files with report data, are supplied and updated together with a set of regulated reporting.
Service Capabilities
Integrated means of working with e-mail
E-mail tools , built into the "1C:Підприємство" system solutions, allow you to significantly improve the efficiency of many services and enterprise specialists - primarily units, responsible for working with customers and suppliers, sales, procurement and marketing. It is important that these tools are integrated into the single information space of the system. As a result, the processing of electronic correspondence is made in close relationship with other business processes of the enterprise. Among the basic opportunities for working with e-mail, which provides the configuration of "Managing a trading enterprise for Ukraine":
- registration of correspondence, appointment of performers and control of performance; maintaining a history of correspondence for each contractor;
- create both individual and "public" (group) mail addresses and differentiate access to them for different groups of users;
- import contact information from common email clients;
- automatic sending of letters on the arrival of scheduled events (for example, a reminder about payment);
- the organization of mailings of e-mails - groups of addresses for dispatch can be formed both manually and automatically according to the criteria specified by the user (for example, by regions, types of activity of counterparties, positions of contact persons, etc.);
Monitoring and analysis of enterprise activities
The configuration "Managing a trading enterprise for Ukraine" includes a powerful and flexible reporting system that allows you to quickly analyze and continuously monitor virtually all aspects of the enterprise . Among the main features of the system:
- Linear, hierarchical, and cross-reports.
- Grouping support.
- Decrypting individual report elements (drill-down).
Information can be obtained in any sections with the required detail. The user can independently set (adjust) the level of detail, grouping parameters and selection criteria for data in the reports in accordance with the specifics of the tasks being solved. Such individual settings (in fact - custom-created specialized reports) can be saved for future use.
Report to the head
"Report to the manager" - a mechanism that allows you to organize the regular formation and delivery to the management team of information about the current state of affairs in the enterprise. It is important that for this, the manager does not need to make the requests himself and even just run "1C:Підприємство". Once configured, the "Report to the manager" mechanism can, according to the established rules - for example, every day at 7:30 pm or every 15 minutes during the day - automatically publish on the intranet or send to a specified e-mail address a report in which a variety of information about The activity of the enterprise is concentrated in a convenient and clear form for the manager. The report provides an operational analysis of data on various indicators of the company's activity in terms of sales, accounts receivable and accounts payable, cash flows in terms of articles, etc. The list of indicators can be customized for each of the managers of various services of the company.
For convenience of analysis, the report provides a graphical representation of the data: graphs comparing actual indicators with planned or with the same indicators for past periods.
Construction of territorially distributed systems
In "1C:Підприємство" implemented the mechanism for managing distributed information databases, which ensures the operation of a single application solution (configuration) with geographically distributed databases, combined in a multilevel hierarchical structure.
This makes it possible to build on the basis of the configuration "Management of a trading enterprise for Ukraine" solutions for enterprises of a network or holding structure that allow to effectively manage the business and see the picture "as a whole" with the necessary speed for decision-making.