
BAS Trade Management

"BAS Trade Management" - is a modern tool to improve the efficiency of the business of a trading enterprise.

General characteristics

Applied decision "BAS Trade Management" in the complex solves the problems of management and operational accounting, analysis and planning; automates trading, financial and warehouse operations; provides a modern level of enterprise management .

The application solution automates the following areas of economic activity:

  • sales management (including wholesale, retail and commission trade) ;
  • supply management ;
  • planning for sales and purchases ;
  • Inventory management;
  • customer order management;
  • customer Relationship Management ;
  • analysis of the company's turnover;
  • price analysis and price policy management;
  • monitoring and analysis of trade performance.

In the information base of the application solution, both already committed and still planned economic transactions are registered. "BAS Trade Management" automates the processing of almost all primary documents of trade and warehouse accounting, as well as documents of cash flows.

The application solution is designed for all types of trading operations. The functions of accounting from the maintenance of directories and the input of primary documents to the receipt of various analytical reports.

The solution allows you to maintain managerial accounting for the trading enterprise as a whole. For the enterprise of the holding structure, the documents can be drawn up on behalf of several organizations that are part of the holding.

"BAS Trade Management" - this is a ready-made application solution, which is based on a powerful technology platform of the new generation. In addition to the platform, the software package includes the configuration "BAS Trade Management".

"BAS Trade Management" provides an automatic selection of data necessary for accounting, and the transfer of these data in "BAS Accounting" . In addition, the transfer of data to accounting configurations of the system of programs.

The head of the company

The head of the enterprise needs a real return from the automation system.

"BAS Trade Management" increases the efficiency of the enterprise by automating routine operations, by keeping records in real time, by quickly and easily preparing information for decision-making at different levels. The system is very quickly put into operation and begins to bring returns. When changing scales, approaches to management or organization of work at an enterprise, restructuring of the system does not require large expenditures. This is achieved by building business solutions on a powerful modern technology platform. An important advantage of the system is its wide popularity: more than 3,000 specialized companies and many certified specialists are ready to help your company install, operate and further improve the automation system.

Unlike its predecessor, the application solution 7.7, the new applied solution is designed not only for automation of accounting, but also for real help to managers of all levels, starting with the director. Many managers will appreciate the new means of interactive analysis of the situation, obtaining detailed transcripts of the indicators of interest. However, even more important is the possibility of obtaining and analyzing management information on a regular basis. You do not have to learn the on-screen menus or know the functions of the system in detail in order to use as an active source of necessary information. The option "Report to the manager" will provide the formation and presentation of a review of the current situation - automatically, regularly, according to the schedule you set. The values ​​of the main indicators, the problems that require your prompt intervention, the comparison of the results of the work of managers - this report you can view on the intranet, receive an e-mail on a business trip or instruct the secretary to print it. Thus, being anywhere in the world, you will keep your hand on the pulse of your business, make decisions and plan further actions, based on the current picture of the real state of affairs.

Heads and specialists of trade units

The new application solution gives maximum attention to ensuring the effectiveness of your daily work. The wide possibilities of preparing all the necessary documents, managing goods circulation and pricing, accepting orders and controlling their execution, optimizing warehouse stocks, analyzing turnover, planning purchases and deliveries will make it your reliable assistant - for whatever direction or sector you meet. "BAS Trade Management" will create in your company a sing le information space, organize a clear interaction of units, help employees to work as a team.

Employees of accounting services

The programs of the system have become the industry standard for accounting solutions. The program "BAS Trade Management" has absorbed all the best that has been achieved over the years of development of its predecessor. The proven functionality of this, the most widely used today in the country system of automation of trade and warehouse accounting, is supplemented by a number of new features. You get a new tool that will help get rid of routine work and bring accounting closer to the needs of real business. At the same time, regular information and methodological support of the company will allow to conduct it in accordance with the current legislation. Of course, "Trade Management" allows you to transfer the necessary credentials to the accounting system.

IT-specialists of enterprises

Program gives you in the hands of the most modern standards of a set of tools and technologies for the development, modification, administration and maintenance of corporate information systems. All of these funds are included in the supply of our  products. You receive at no additional cost exactly the same tools used by the developers of program. As a result, the system installed at the enterprise will not be a "black box" for you. Experience shows that most system administrators and automation specialists have a few days to master the principles of building solutions - after that you can not only accompany, but also adapt the system in accordance with the needs of your organizations. It is also important that you will be able to become a participant in the professional community of specialists in program, get support in the development of the system, use the opportunity for a multifaceted communication and exchange of experience with numerous colleagues. The real openness of the system and the ease of its adaptation, the wide possibilities of scaling and integration, the simplicity and ease of administration and support all allow you to spend minimum efforts on solving "low-level" technological issues and concentrate on the contentious, creative tasks of automating the business processes of the enterprise.

Specialists of consulting companies and system integrators

Short terms and efficiency of implementation, reasonable prices and flexible licensing policy, a set of standard and specialized solutions, developed means of integration are just a part of the advantages that make program an excellent "building material" for creating a wide variety of information systems. Many consulting companies and system integrators note that the use of program and cooperation with have become important factors for the success of their projects. Reducing project risks, the ability to offer customers a competitive project and fulfill it, meeting the deadlines and estimates, all this allows you to increase your company's reputation and business profitability, expand the range of customers and work with them on an industrial basis.

Managing Customer Relations

The "Customer Relationship Management" subsystem allows to solve the following tasks:
  • storing and updating customer contact information, automatically notifying users about upcoming contacts with the client;
  • registration of contacts and events with clients and automatic notification of users about upcoming contacts with the client;
  • automated contacts with customers and sellers using the built-in mail client;
  • exchange of contact information with external mail programs, as well as using an internal mail client ;
  • analysis of customer relations, automatic division of clients into different categories (ABC and XYZ analysis of counterparties);
  • representing users about the history of relationships with customers.

The configuration provides an assessment of the work of managers , which is performed for a set of different indicators : the completeness of filling the database with contact information, the number of contacts with customers, the analysis of changes in the stages of relations with customers, on the analysis of the number of lost buyers in relation to the total number of customers (customer retention rate), the number of orders made by customers, the amount of sales, the amount of revenue received, the amount of payment. The list of indicators is freely configurable by the user. It is possible to assess the work of managers on the listed indicators, both in absolute and in percentage terms. There is a possibility of a comparative assessment of the work of managers in the form of a rating of the best managers.

Sales management

The sales management subsystem allows you to solve the tasks of operational planning and sales control , both in bulk and in monetary terms. The subsystem contains order analysis tools , is designed to provide support in making management decisions when interacting with customers and help identify bottlenecks in the warehouse.

When you sell products provides the appointment of various discounts : automatic discounts, manual discounts, discounts on discount cards (including cumulative discounts). Discounts can be assigned with certain conditions, for example, if the sales amount is exceeded. Discounts can be assigned to certain buyers or when transferring goods to stores at retail.

To provide management information to the company not only about the actual, but also about the planned performance indicators, the configuration provides for a sales planning subsystem . Planning is performed both for individual types and for groups of products ; The configuration also allows you to select certain categories of customers (by region, by type of activity, etc.) and make separate plans for each of these groups. At the same time, it is envisaged both enlarged planning for the nomenclature groups, and detailed planning to the level of positions of the nomenclature, as well as the characteristics of the positions of the nomenclature. Plans are drawn up with different time details (from day to year); Thus, the configuration makes it possible to develop both strategic (quarterly, annual) and work plans for the same period.

It is planned to plan sales both for the whole enterprise as a whole, and for subdivisions or groups of units. This enables the managers and managers of departments to make sales plans in their areas. The plans of the divisions are consolidated into the consolidated sales plan for the enterprise. In the future, sales plans can be compared with actual sales, analyze deviations. If necessary, it is possible to correct the plans in accordance with the detected deviations. In this case, the data can be presented in the context of the units, grouped for comparison by the distinguishing characteristics (properties) of the nomenclature and customers. For example, it is possible to perform a comparative analysis of the sales volumes of the nomenclature with given characteristics in a certain region for different periods of time in order to reveal seasonal fluctuations.

Managing Purchase Orders

The "Order Management" subsystem allows:

  • implement the most effective for the company strategy of customer orders in accordance with the chosen strategy and work patterns used in the enterprise (work from the warehouse, on order) ;
  • best place orders for customers in orders to suppliers and reserve goods in warehouses;
  • ensure compliance with the delivery time of the ordered goods;
  • satisfy the needs of as many customers as possible, avoiding the occurrence of excess inventory.

There are various schemes for the fulfillment of the buyer's order:

  • shipment of goods from the free warehouse balance;
  • preliminary reservation of the goods in the warehouse with subsequent shipment;
  • placing the order of the buyer in the previously executed orders of the suppliers (the goods will be automatically reserved for this order of the buyer at the time of goods receipt from the supplier) ;
  • "work under the order", that is, registration of the order of the goods to the supplier under the specific order of the buyer.

There is an algorithm for automatic reservation and placement, which allows to place orders of buyers in the optimal manner on orders to suppliers and on the free balance of goods in warehouses. For each manager, you can assign a group of warehouses on which the automatic reservation of goods (warehouse availability group) will be performed. You can analyze the current state of orders using the report "Analysis of customer orders".

Schemes for the sale of goods

The configuration provides for various schemes for the sale of goods. The sale of goods can be done with an advance reservation of the goods or without preliminary reservation of goods (from the current stock balances). Also the opportunity of sale of the goods under the preliminary orders of the goods from suppliers under concrete demands of buyers.

The sale of goods can be carried out on credit or on terms of full (or partial) prepayment by the client. When selling goods, you can register payment using payment cards under acquiring agreements. Sale of goods can be made and under the order scheme. This allows you to divide the process of issuing documents by managers and the process of real shipment of goods from the warehouse by storekeepers.

At sale of the commission goods possibility of automatic calculation of commission to the committent with use of various methods of calculation of commission fee is provided: percent from profit, percent from the sum of sales. The amount of commission can be specified manually. The goods can be transferred for sale to the commission agent. After receiving from the commissioner a report on the sales of goods, for him also automatically calculated its commission fee.

BAS Retail

In the configuration, retail operations involving various trading equipment are implemented: cash registers operating in different modes of operation (fiscal registrar, ON-LINE, OFF-LINE), data collection terminals, bar code scanners, displays buyers, printers for printing labels, electronic weightв.

There is a simple and convenient configuration of the connection of commercial equipment and the ability to connect several instances of each type of equipment. For work in small stores, there is a convenient interface for the cashier, which allows to increase the speed of customer service. In this interface, there is a delineation of the rights of the cashier and the administrator of the cash desk. In this case, it is envisaged to use the registration cards of the cashier and the cash desk administrator with the magnetic card reader (reader). The bar coding of goods can be made taking into account the characteristics, series, units of measurement and quality of goods. By default, the barcode can be of the following type: EAN8, EAN13, EAN128, Code39, Code128; If necessary, the user can register and use other types of barcodes in the configuration.

There is a opportunity to arrange the sale of goods on credit and payment cards . When making payment by payment cards, it is possible to make a payment using the acquiring system. When performing operations with payment cards, a slip-check stamp is printed on the connected fiscal registrar.

Procurement management

The functionality of the subsystem allows the managers of the trading company to provide with the information necessary for timely decision-making on replenishment of commodity stocks and optimization of the cost of the purchased products. The subsystem is designed to plan purchases and form orders to suppliers in accordance with the adopted strategy of replenishing inventory stocks and working with customers' orders.

The subsystem allows you to automate operations such as:

  • Procurement planning;
  • the formation of needs and the preparation of a procurement calendar plan ;
  • making orders to suppliers based on orders received from customers;
  • control of payment and delivery of goods by order;
  • adjusting and closing orders to suppliers;
  • vendor price monitoring.

Procurement Planning

Provision is made for purchasing plans for different scenarios. Procurement plans can be drawn up as enlarged (by nomenclature groups), as well as items specified in certain items. When preparing procurement plans, you can take into account the volume of sales for the previous period, the previously made procurement plans, as well as the ordered orders of buyers. To translate plans, a planning assistant.

Formation of needs and preparation of a procurement schedule

Formation of needs is made on the basis of analysis of completed procurement plans, sales plans and customer orders. Requirements are formed on a certain date and are confirmed in the program using documents. At formation of requirements the current rest of the goods in warehouses is considered. The volume-scheduling of purchases will allow the enterprise to reduce the amount of surplus inventory, reduce costs for the purchase of goods:

  • formation and registration of requirements for goods on the basis of planned data (sales plans, procurement plans) and actual data (customer orders, supplier orders, current balance of goods) ;
  • selection of the optimal suppliers by the given parameters: delivery time, supplier reliability, vendor price;
  • automatic generation of orders to suppliers for the required delivery dates in accordance with the demand calendar, taking into account already existing customer orders and orders to suppliers;
  • automatic placing of orders of buyers in orders to suppliers;
  • using helpers helps users create orders to suppliers, saving working time.

The program provides for automatic filling of orders of suppliers based on previously issued customer orders . Filling is performed only by those goods for which the supplier's prices were previously registered. There is also the possibility of issuing orders to several suppliers in accordance with previously issued customer orders. Control of payment for goods on orders of suppliers is made in accordance with the date specified in the document "Payment dates". In the order to the supplier, the date of the expected delivery of goods is indicated. Based on the analysis of the expected dates of supply of goods, you can draw up a schedule of deliveries of goods.

Price analysis and price policy management

The configuration allows you to register and compare the prices of suppliers, choose the optimal supplier, minimize the cost of replenishing inventory. Comparison of prices of various suppliers with the company's own prices is provided in the report "Price Analysis". For the convenient tracking of changes in prices, a mechanism is implemented to automatically update the prices of suppliers when registering the next deliveries. There is the possibility of automatic recalculation of selling prices on the basis of new supplier prices and a given trade mark-up. Vacation and purchase prices can be registered in the context of the characteristics of goods, changes in several types of prices can be entered by one document. For enterprises that tightly tie their selling prices to suppliers' prices, it will be useful to automatically generate selling prices based on prices specified in the receipt document and given trade margins.

The discount system implemented in the first program will find its application in retail outlets:

  • various types of discounts: manual, automatic, discounts on discount cards ;
  • the assignment of discounts on price groups of goods;
  • indication of the period and time of the discount action (days of the week, night hours, etc.);
  • flexible selection of the conditions for granting discounts: on the amount of sales, on the quantity of a particular product, by type of payment;
  • the division of discounts on wholesale and retail: wholesale discounts are assigned to counterparties, customers, retail discounts are valid in selected retail stores (warehouses) ;
  • cancellation of the discount until the end of its validity period is made by a special document.

Inventory management

Inventory of goods in warehouses of the enterprise

The configuration is implemented detailed inventory of goods in warehouses , provides complete control over the company's stock in wholesale and retail. All warehouse operations are recorded with the help of appropriate documents - goods receipt, goods moving, goods realization, inventory, etc.

The configuration allows you to keep a record of goods in a variety of warehouses (storage locations). Accounting of goods in various units (packages) is supported. Separate accounting of own goods, goods accepted and transferred for sale, goods taken for custody, as well as accounting of returnable packaging are provided. The configuration also provides for accounting for substandard goods and the possibility of their sale at a discount.

Goods come with a predetermined quality value "New". The quality of the consignment can be adjusted by a special document. For the sale of substandard goods, a special type of operation of the document "Sale of goods and services" is used. The opportunity will be in demand by trade enterprises that share in their activity lots of goods in terms of their quality.

The configuration allows you to inventory goods in the warehouse . Based on the results of the inventory, the difference between the accounting quantity (registered in the information base when the documents of receipt and shipment) and the actual quantity of goods detected as a result of the inventory is automatically calculated. After that, the write-off documents are issued (in case of shortage of goods) or posting (in case of revealing surplus goods).

Implemented the ability to register the receipt, transfer, sale and return of goods on the order scheme , allowing time to dispense the timing of the issuance of primary documents and the actual receipt (release) of goods from the warehouse. Opportunity will be demanded by enterprises in which workplaces of extracting primary documents are removed from the storage of goods. Possibility of registration of receipt and realization of the goods by one document on some warehouses will allow to avoid an extract of superfluous documents. The ability to disable the control of stock balances in the warehouse will be useful at the beginning of accounting at the enterprise.

The configuration allows the business units (warehouses, sales outlets) to order goods from other units to replenish their own trading stocks (internal orders). This mode is intended mainly for the formation by retail outlets (warehouses) of orders for the supply of the necessary assortment of goods, but it can also be used by wholesale trade outlets or simply warehouses to provide assortment in the warehouse.

When planning sales and purchases, internal orders are serviced on an equal basis with customer orders using the same algorithms. The execution of the internal order is considered the receipt of goods to the specified warehouse. The document "Internal Order" can be issued not only for the purpose of moving goods to a particular warehouse or to a retail store, but also as an order for internal consumption by units, in the latter case an order is considered fulfilled when the goods are released to this division by a specialized document "Demand-waybill».

Overhead Accounting

The configuration provides for accounting for various types of overhead costs - the costs of transportation, storage, payment of duties and excises, services of both own and third-party organizations, etc. These costs can be attributed to the cost of goods. Depending on the nature of the overhead costs, their distribution by commodity items can be made in proportion to the value of the goods received, their weight or quantity. There is also a cost allocation for various cost objects and item groups . With the help of reports, you can track the dynamics of cost changes by cost objects.

Cash management

The configuration allows you to register all cash and banking transactions with the discharge of all necessary documents . At the same time, it is possible to plan incoming and outgoing payments using the documents "Application for spending of funds" and "Planned receipts of funds. Based on the planning data, a payment calendar can be created. The payment calendar can also take into account planned payments for orders of buyers and suppliers.

When registering payments, the ability to split payment for several contracts, transactions, for previously planned payments or applications for spending money.

The configuration provides for the ability to send and receive payments using the built-in Client-Bank system. Cash can be allocated to cash flow items. It is also planned to take into account the actual turnover of funds in the context of projects.

Data analysis

The configuration "BAS Trade Management" implemented a reporting system , which is a powerful and flexible tool for analyzing all aspects of trading activities and turnover enterprises. The list of reports is grouped according to their purpose: Sales, Purchases, Inventories (warehouse), Cash, etc. For example, in the group "Inventory (warehouse)" you can find reports that allow you to look at balances in warehouses, evaluate the remainder of goods in company prices, analyze the turnover of goods, determine the leftovers of goods on sale, conduct ABC and XYZ analysis of goods.

The user can get information on the status of stocks, orders, sales, mutual settlements - in any analytical sections with the required detail. For example, you can get data on sales by region of the goods of a particular group or track the dynamics of sales of goods for the period with the detail by day. The user can independently set (adjust) the level of detail, grouping parameters and selection criteria for data in the reports in accordance with the specifics of the tasks being solved. Such individual settings (in fact - user-created specialized reports) can be saved for later use. In a number of reports, for greater visibility, a graphical representation of the data is provided, as well as decoding of the indicators in the form of corresponding reports.

In addition to standard reports, the configuration includes a universal mechanism for presenting data of any registers using universal reports . It is also possible to output a chart for universal reports. A universal report can represent data on any register in the form of a list or as a crosstab. In addition, the configuration has the tools to build any kind of arbitrary reports by processing the "Report Console".

Monitoring and analysis of trade performance (Report to the head)

"Report to the head" - a mechanism that allows you to organize the regular formation and delivery to the company's management team of information about the current state of affairs in the enterprise. It is important that for this, the manager does not need to make the requests himself and even just run program. Once configured, the "Leader Report" mechanism can, according to the established rules - for example, every day at 19:30 or every 15 minutes during the day - automatically generate and send to a specified email address a report in which diverse information on the activities of the company is concentrated in a convenient and clear for the manager form.

The report carries out an operational analysis of data on various indicators : by sales volume, by accounts receivable and accounts payable, by movements of funds in the context of articles, etc. The list of indicators that need to be displayed in the report can be configured individually for each of the managers of various services of the company. For convenience of analysis, the report provides a graphical representation of the data: graphs comparing different indicators with planned or with the same indicators for the past periods. The leader's report can be sent by e-mail in accordance with the list of mailing lists specified in the settings.

Integration with accounting

There is a opportunity to exchange data with the programs "BAS Accounting". When downloading data, you can select data for various criteria: by accounting, by warehouse, organization and division of the trading company. Also, the ability to select a list of documents for various parameters.

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