Saving the history of changes to the requisites and values ​​of table parts in documents and reference books. Alternative to resource-intensive functionality of a typical configuration "Versioning"

Saving the history of changes to the requisites and values ​​of table parts in documents and reference books. Alternative to resource-intensive functionality of a typical configuration "Versioning"

UAH 3 000
Сохранение истории изменений реквизитов и значений табличных частей в документах и справочниках. Альтернатива ресурсоемкому функционалу типовой конфигурации "Версионирование"
Preservation of the history of changes in details of documents and directories. Registration of events: viewing, holding, canceling. Quick access to the event log. Alternative to the resource-intensive functionality of the typical "versioning" configuration. Advanced setting.

Preservation of the history of changes in details of documents and directories. Registration of events: viewing, holding, canceling.

Alternative to the resource-intensive functionality of the typical versioning configuration

  • Quick access to the event log by clicking the "Go" button;
  • Data on the history of changes does not take up much space in the database;

  • Saving the history of changing the table parts of documents and directories (change of requisites, number of lines).

Can be used in configurations on regular forms, for example:

  • Management of a trading enterprise;

  • Production plant management;

  • Trade Management, Revision 2.3;

  • Accounting, revision 1.2.

Просмотр истории изменений документа в журнале документа на примере документа «Заказ поставщику».jpg

Fig.1. View the history of document changes in the document log

История изменения документа. Записи расположены по хронологии.jpg

Fig.2. History of document change. The records are arranged in chronological order, there is a name of the changed props, the old value, before the change, the new value of the props, who changed. In addition, events "View Object", "Created Object", "Conduct", "Cancel Conduct" are logged. You can perform a quick selection on any of the details, for example, on the "User".

Пример журнала «История изменений» из карточки справочника «Контрагенты».jpg

Fig.3. Example of the History of Change journal from the directory

Полный журнал истории изменений.jpg

Fig.4. Full history of changes log. You can select for any details, for example, for the User and the event type, for example, "View Object", which will show what objects the user viewed in the timeline.

Cost: 3000 UAH. taking into account the costs of integration into the configuration of the customer.

The cost includes setting saving history for 10 objects metadata (reference books, documents).
For every next 10 objects metadata: 1000 UAH

Developer: NCT


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