Introduction of budgeting in "1С:Підприємство"

Introduction of budgeting in "1С:Підприємство"

UAH 19 500
Внедрение бюджетирования в "1С:Підприємство"
Implementation of budgeting in "1С:Підприємство". Full transfer of the subsystem "Budgeting and planning" from the configuration "Managing the production enterprise" to the configuration "Managing the trading enterprise."

More details

1. The menu items of the subsystem "Budgeting and planning" in the main configuration menu "Management of a trading enterprise".
Рис.1 Основное меню. Справочники подсистемы «Бюджетирования».

Fig.1. Main menu. Directories of the subsystem "Budgeting".

Рис.2 Основное меню. Документы подсистемы «Бюджетирования».

Fig.2. The main menu. Documents of the subsystem "Budgeting".

Рис.3 Основное меню. Документы подсистемы «Бюджетирования».

Fig.3. Main menu. Reports of the subsystem "Budgeting".

2. Additional adjustment of the subsystem "Budgeting".
2.1.Configuring the default filling of details related to budgeting:
  • Article of cash flow;
  • Budget;
  • Scenario;
  • Budget item;
  • Article revolutions.

For this purpose, the "Budgeting" subsystem has added a register of information "Budgeting and money management. Default values"


3. Дополнительная настройка подсистемы «Бюджетирование»

Fig.4. The form of the list of the register of information "Budgeting and money management.

2.2. The division of cash accounting into cash and non-cash is realized. In a typical configuration, this is not decided.

How does this setting work?


For example, as shown in Fig. 4, for the type of documents "Application for the expenditure of funds" with the type of operation of the document "Transfer of wages" and the type of funds "Cashless", the requisites are automatically filled in: "Article of cash flow" = "Expenses for additional wages", "Budget" = "Cash flow budget" and others. These details are not available to users. Thus, the economist involved in budgeting excludes the user's mistakes when filling out the details (articles) of budgeting.

The cost of work: 19500 UAH (including integration into the customer’s configuration).

Developer: NCT


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