Automation of work according to the scheme Dropshipping

Automation of work according to the scheme Dropshipping

UAH 12 000
Автоматизация работы по схеме Дропшиппинг

Variants of work under the scheme Dropshipping:

  • 1 option. The customer pays for us (online store);
  • 2 option. The customer pays the supplier, and we (the online store) receive a bonus.

More details

1. Option, when payment for the goods is performed by us, does not require special automation - this is the standard sale scheme, the only thing you can buy is the warehouse with the name "Supplier's warehouse" and write off from the implementation of this warehouse.

2. Option when payment is made to the supplier (Fig. 1), and we (online store) will receive our bonus for the sale from the supplier, requires additional automation. In typical configurations, this scheme is not automated.

1С 8: Автоматизация схемы работы Дропшиппинг
Fig. 1. The dropshipping scheme, when payment is performed by the supplier, the supplier delivers the goods, we receive our bonus from the supplier.

Under this scheme, the accrual of debt to the supplier for the bonus amount is automatized. The document circulation is organized with the possibility of selection according to the type of sales scheme.

An example of accounting organization, if mutual settlements with the buyer are fully maintained by the supplier :

  1. A buyer's order is created, the "Dropshipping" flag is set (payment directly to the supplier).
  2. Based on the buyer's order, an order to the supplier is created.
  3. On the basis of the order, the goods are received by the supplier, the "Dropshipping" flag is set, then standard settlement movements are not performed, but settlement movements with the counterparty are performed, where the debt to the supplier is charged on our commission, as the difference between the purchase price and the sale price.
  4. implementation document. Dropshipping flag. Postings on mutual settlements are not carried out, other movements remain unchanged.

1200 UAH - buyer's order;
1000 UAH - order to the supplier;
  200 UAH - in the receipt of goods, the supplier's debt to us is charged;
1200 UAH - sale of goods, mutual settlements are not charged;
  200 UAH - the supplier pays our commission.

Cost of setting: 12000 UAH (taking into account the integration costs in the configuration of the customer).

Developer: NCT


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