Automatic sending of SMS when changing states and details of documents for BAS configurations on managed forms

Automatic sending of SMS when changing states and details of documents for BAS configurations on managed forms

UAH 2 000
Автоматическая отправка SMS при изменении состояний и реквизитов документов для конфигураций  на управляемых формах (УТ 3.1, УНФ и другие)
This setting allows you to automatically send SMS messages if the details of the details or other document states have changed in the documents.

This setting allows you to automatically send SMS messages if the details of the details or other document states have changed in the documents.

In the setting, the SMS texts are set, as well as templates, which are replaced with the details of the details from the documents. For example, the template [Document Order] is replaced in the text of the SMS with the value of the requisite of the document "Buyer's Order".

In the settings you can set a signature for the SMS, where you can specify the company name or website and phone numbers

All settings are set at the BAS level, and not at the "Configurator" level. That is, a user who has the “SMS sending settings” role can change settings from BAS, not from the “Configurator”.

Demonstration setting

Fig.1. The "Service" menu, the added module "Automatic SMS messaging".

Creating a new item, where the data for setting up the newsletter will be filled.

Fig.2. Filling the name of the template. The designation of message recipients.

Possibility to specify: “Send to counterparty”, “Send counterparty to contact person” In the future, by the name (title), select the required setting of the distribution in the "SMS" menu.

Fig.3. The choice of the document (for example, the document "Order of the Buyer"), the recording of which will automatically realize the sending of sms.

Fig.4. On the "Filters" tab, we determine at what values of the document details the sending of sms will work.

Fig.5. When you select the document details (for example, the document "Buyer’s Order", a list of all the details of the document.

Fig.6. Completion of specifying the details and values of the document. After holding the document, the automatic sending of sms will work.

After filling in the settings, select the check box "Send mailing".

SMS Receive Example

Fig.7. Sample receive sms, with automatic mailing.

Customization can be implemented for typical "BASconfigurations on managed forms:

  • Trade management, edition 3.0;
  • Trade management, edition 3.1;
  • Management of a small firm;
  • Accounting, revision 1.2;
  • CRM from Rarus;
  • CRM from 1C;
  • Other configurations.

"Automatic sending of SMS messages "can be set as an add-on to the main solution Configuring SMS Mailing".

Setting cost: 2000 UAH

Developer: NCT Company


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